Authentic Gucci bags have traits, such as the labeling and workmanship that distinguish them from fake versions. omg, thank you so much, the 'key down' fixed my issue and kept me from losing the rest of my mind. for fire breath, go to elvui menu, actionbars and enable key down. Only work around I found was: /ec (I have it macro-ed and put on bars since I do this alot), … craftsman riding mower starter for the bags thing was another addon "Pawn". Had this problem today swapping out Profession bags (inscription) with my regular leveling bags. Customize Combat Icon position on player unitframe. Features: Armory Mode Style Character & Inspect frame Go afk in style with our Afk feature Customize various texts including, Zone, Chat editbox, Mailbox Add Coordinates on the Minimap Show full values for Exp/Rep Bars Customizable background panels.ago What if you don't have Prawn? My bags stop working as soon as I level up. 8 4 comments Best Add a Comment Martok73 Try uninstall "Pawn" addon if you have it downloaded.

Cant open bag with ELVUI fixed? If people still have the problem with ElvUI and not opening their bags. I decided that I wanted to try something with a little cleaner look and some more functionality and elvui seemed to fit the bill so I installed it today and have spent the last several hours tweaking it to a place I like. Hey guys, I decided to update my ui today, have been using x-perl unit frames since about forever, and the Blizz ui for everything else. I will never understand why it’s the standard for people. The default UI is really good, regardless of the few that seem to viscerally hate it (but that’s because they hate change more than anything). Halloween-thrall November 13, 2022, 10:27am #3 You’re not weird.